Geposted von Zorkaa,

Damit findet sich der AWP-Spieler in einer schwierigen Situation wieder. draken unterschrieb im März einen Einjahresvertrag bei den Ninjas in Pyjamas. Für diese Chance gab er einen Platz an der Seite von Adil 'ScreaM' Benrlitom und Co. bei Team GamerLegion auf. Das Lineup hatte er zuvor mit aufgebaut. Nun muss der 23-Jährige auf eine neue Chance hoffen.
Statement Dennis 'dennis' Edman
I’m so hyped about coming back and it was very hard to watch all the games from home, all I wanted to do was to get back on the server and pop some heads!
However, I believe this will help me and my team to become even better than before I took this break. More majors, better placements and a lot of sick games incoming. You better be ready, ladies & gentlemen!
Statement Faruk 'pita' Pita (Coach)
It feels great to have Dennis back. I’m very thankful that draken could step in on such a short notice. Since we didn’t know for how long Dennis was going to be away we assumed draken was going to at least play until the end of May. Now that Dennis got better much earlier than excepted me and the team are extremely happy to have him back in the starting lineup. Dennis is a player that puts a lot of weight and dirty work on his shoulders, and that was something we had been missing since he stepped down.
Lineup Ninjas in Pyjamas

Bildquelle: StarSeries