Geposted von Zorkaa,
Österreichs Ziehvater Dimitris 'MITSARAS' Filoxenidis agiert als Kapitän und wird vom erfahrenen Christoph 'chrissK' Kröll unterstützt. Anel 'NinoZjE' Zukic und Jonathan 'xTreMe' Steinhöfler waren die Überraschungen der vergangenen Season. Abgerundet wird das Lineup von Roman 'Mongol' Czylok, der vergangene Season ebenfalls mit Private eSports die ESL Wintermeisterschaft 2018 aufgemischt hat.
Nino: Die flashy AWP mit riesigem Potenzial
Statement Dimitris 'MITSARAS' Filoxenidis
2019 just started, but we already have some big news to announce: We found a new organization and will play for No Limit Gaming beginning today. They will help us with the next steps on our ways to become 100% professional CS:GO athletes. The infrastructure and support they provide is pretty rare in European esport organizations. We'll have an analyst and a coach that work with us on the server. Additionally we'll have a performance coach and some of the world's best poker players, that will help us to improve our mental and physical skills as well. They will also support us with our own training location in Vienna, as all of us live here or at least close by. That all combined should give us the perfect environment to make the next steps. After a successful last season with Private Esports, we decided to move forward with Mongol, xTreMe and myself, and are happy to announce that some of our closest friends joined the squad: ChrissK and NinoZjE will complete our lineup and we will prove, that this is the best Austrian lineup possible at the moment! We are glad to play for in the future and can promise that the whole team is very excited and motivated to do whatever we can to make this a successful project!
Statement Stefan Schillhabel (CEO)
I am glad that we can finally announce our first steps into esports. Thanks to all our supporters and our pokerteam sponsors partypoker, RaiseYourEdge and Pokershares, who made this possible. CS:GO for me is by far the most interesting esports game to play and watch and I am very excited to see our team competing at a high level. We found a young team that totally matches our idea and concept and has a huge potential. We will do everything to support them with all they need to do their next steps and grow as a team and individuals. We are already working on a lot of stuff to make this team as succesful as possible. Stay tuned!
Lineup No Limit Gaming
Dimitris 'MITSARAS' Filoxenidis
Christoph 'chrissK' Kröll
Anel 'NinoZjE' Zukic
Jonathan 'xTreMe' Steinhöfler
Roman 'Mongol' Czylok
Akashpreet '^Shipta' Wedech (Coach)
Rensing1 (Analyst)