Geposted von SilentThunder,
Die beiden sind mit 21 und 23 Jahren noch relativ jung und hatten bisher wenig auf der großen Bildfläche gespielt. Mit dem 26-jährigen Österreicher kakafu holt man sich einen ehemaligen Ingame-Leader ins Boot, der das Team mit seiner Erfahrung unterstützen will.
Statement Mike 'mikeS' Tuns
I am happy to announce that I’ll play for PENTA Sports in 2016. After playing together for a while we decided to go ahead and play as a 5. I have played in a couple of teams before but this time I hope that we can achieve great things with this line-up! We will work hard and do our best for the upcoming minor in Bucharest and other events to come!
Statement Alexander 'kakafu' Szymanczyk
First of all I’d like to thank the team and PENTA Sports for this chance and all their trust. I am very happy and greatful to join the ranks of PENTA Sports as their coach. I have a long histroy of ingame leading in my previous teams and I will try to support the team as good as I can. Further I strongly belive that we can achieve great things in the future!
Lineup PENTA
Johannes 'tabseN' Wodarz
Kevin 'kRYSTAL' Amend
Tahsin 'tahsiN' Broschk
David 'Davidp' Prins
Mike 'mikeS' Tuns
Alexander 'kakafu' Szymanczyk (Coach)