Background (v1) Background (v2) Background (v3)
Geposted von dyNa,
Nach nur wenigen Wochen steht das relativ neu gegründete Team von Flipsid3 Tactics nur noch zu viert da. Andreas 'MODDII' Fridh verlässt die Organisation, ohne genaue Angabe von Gründen. Ob der Rest des Teams bestehen bleibt oder ob es weitere Wechsel geben wird ist bislang unklar.
Das anfangs vielversprechende, skandinavische Lineup hat somit nicht lange Stand gehalten. Die Ergebnisse nach dem Austausch von Jacob 'pyth' Mourujärvi durch Christian 'Spitfire'Schiölde waren eher durchwachsen. Nun kommt es zum Bruch zwischen MODDII und dem Team, wohin es den Routinier nun verschlägt ist noch nicht bekannt. Auch über seine Nachfolge bei Flipsid3 Tactics gibt es bislang keine weiteren Informationen.

Statement Andreas 'MODDII' Fridh auf Facebook:

Good luck and have fun, Flipside. I am out.

Ein Statement, das nicht viel durchsickern lässt, außer, dass der Abgang nicht sonderlich positiv war. In einem weiteren Post auf Facebook schreibt MODDII sich dann etwas mehr von der Seele und lässt tiefer hinter die Kulissen blicken. Auch dieses Statement möchten wir euch nicht vorenthalten, aufgrund der Länge des Statements allerdings nur als Aufklapptext.

I feel that I need to write this.
Lets start by saying that I am a very honest person maybe sometimes a little too honest and can be quite hard when I say things (can be misunderstood sometimes to the negative side)

It all started a long time ago at an Dreamhack 2009 in Stockholm if I do not remember wrong.
Jump pita hibb delpan and I would go and play a tournament and qualifier at DreamHack very short, it went very very well when we pressed fnatic to 3 maps in the qualifiers for ESWC (I think) and we won the main tournament.
After we got home, we agreed that we would go to the Inferno Online League Finals under Begrip fane , so we end up with that we won the whole tournament and we felt that we were a team that had potential.
When we got home we came in contact with the organization MYM and not many days after we joined the organization.
After about a month we got news that hibb could not play cs more serious and had to stop and then we decided to take in zet in the team who had returned home from the United States.
It was here things went very very wrong after a while together, much misunderstanding took place and went very wrong, but we stayed together.
We traveled to China to attend the WEF and many hours together at airports where it burst on me as a player I felt very offended and spoken down to by some people in the team and then I just thought, fuck it. But it came and bit me hard in the ass in retrospect, I can promise you. Someone week after we got home, I found out that I was kicked (which I really was happy for I had myself been trying to develop something good and say I wanted to leave). But what happens after that will come and haunts me today and I've never been so surprised in my life, people I thought were my friends could do something like that.
They then went out in the media ( and really I say is unprofessional and a "whiner," Because of that I am an honest person and dare put my foot down and point out the faults of others. But one thing I regret now is that I would never have done.

Time went on and I had the stample "whiner kid" and it huh no one in the scene who wanted to give me a chance in their team besides my irl friend / friends who know how I am as a person outside of the game and that I can sometimes be misunderstood.
The thing did not do much better then the super "professional" players went out in every news on HLTV and stamped and pressed the "whiner kid" in everyone's eyes. Though this man has no idea of who I am as a person and never talked to me irl, but it I guess it is very easy to do when you think you are above all others.
After almost 2 years of war in some small teams and so did something that change it all, Patrick (Carn) wrote to me and ask how things stood for me. Thats great but I did not take it so seriously for the time because it was a very short conversation and not many days after that brought "manne" in so I just thought I was an "emergency" card until they found a better .
But after their first tournament manne was kicked and I thought I would get my chance, but ouch what wrong I had them brought back pita!
3rd time? Pita ended and I finally got the chance to join fnatic at the end of 2011 and there began to happen a lot and apparently I was able to play on a team with no problems in 1 ½ years without any mention of my "attitude" "whiner-kid" except one person. He couldn’t let this with "whiner-kid" go, all of his articles and news he shared on HLTV which I think is insane that a news printers can sit and squeeze lies in peoples' heads. But we know that people are talking behind your back and that person is sucking up all the negative and write about it so all people of the world can read about it instead of being a man and take it to the person he apparently has some serious problems.

The switch to csgo!
CSGO with fnatic, we went at Dreamhack with a new player Dennis (Rytter) due to FYRR73 had decided to not spend any time in CSGO.
We performed actually over our expectation then we had played the game 1week and had pressured mousesports and taken some rounds against nip and also beated current
Time went on and things did not click and we had our differences of opinion on how CSGO would be played and Iwas one of those who had to go ( no hard feelings) Butback to the old, The writer is back to make it a super big deal out of it again so all the viewers got to see a bit of drama.

I stopped playing cs for about a couple of months because I felt really hated in the scene and why should I play a game I really love when everyone hates you? But I gave it one more shoot I thougt. I came in contact with steel stinger hudzg and nooky and we decided to start a team which I thought was crazy fun, It sadly didn’t not last as long, before we were to shatter because of fnatic had once written to me and asked if I was interested to join them and if I had some players I could well imagine to play with, in short, Me and stinger joined fnatic.
We went on a few events and realized that it did not quite work properly so we chose to get rid of stinger and take back karrigan in the team.
We started practice and everything was cool, we had a little problem I will not deny that but it's tough with two strong personalities (Me and Friis), but we could always solve it sooner or later.
But after 1-2 events so the team did not really know what they wanted, but they chose to "kick" me to make room for another player which I think they regretted after 1 week time or so because fnatic wrote back and said that they had made a mistake and wanted me back.
Everything was fine and there was no acid between us, I understood their choice from the start but I did not agree with them, but so it was, and afterwards I realized the judgment itself that it was a mistake.
We had played a few events together and it went OK, no real "WOW" moments but also no losses against teams we should win against. Time went on and it did not took very long before I realized it was time to try something new, I had been playing with these players in the past 2-3 years and it feelt i needed something new. And when then-Epsilon Dreamhack # 2 wrote and asked if I was interested to go with them, it was not really so much doubt in that.
And it did not take very long before I was again in contact with fnati, fnatic was interested in acquiring us from Epsilon, and here we go again, I was back in fnatic.
We got started and it so fun and play with the Swedes again and new blood, we was hungry, we were willing to do everything, I thought, but it did not take long until I realized that was not the case players wanted to run around and play how they felt and how felt they got to the top, they were 100% that it would work. But I tried to tell people that it is never going to work out, to out-AIM people every event and we have to spend time on tactics, for there will come a day when we do not hit our shots then we must have things to fall back on, so I felt it we had different views of the game and much was probably because we did not really have any "leader" who could really take hold of things. So I chose to leave the team so they could bring in someone who could show them, the new players. Now when they have an organization in the back who could help them with the other.
But we will return to the "whiner-kid" again, so he started with the news that I was kicked so pronax would take my place which was not the case when I voluntarily left the team because of various things that I mentioned above, but I found out a few things when I went to SK-gaming Dreamhack, it was that the people I thought were my "friends" had gone behind my back and told everyone that I was kicked because I whine and was an idiot, which they did not mention to me when I was already on the team and that I was leaving the team. Then it sounded completely different.

I'm no angel that's not what Im saying, and I know very well that I have done very stupid things but it's certainly not as coarse and stupid that 99% of the scene thinks, And I was very misunderstood as a person when people just take a party without hearing both sides and it is perhaps one of the reasons why I write this?. But something that is worth thinking about. If there are problems, why do you go around and tell the whole world that you have them and do not take it man to man and leave it there? You don’t walk around in real life and tell the first person you see around in town that you have problems at home? Do you?
There are many, I want to say are responsibility for a lot of the shit I had but I'm actually a bigger man than that, you know deep down inside you who it is.

So what has been learned during my time in the scene?
Do not say your opinion rather is quiet and just let it slide
"Friends", there is no such thing, You will be backstabbed as soon as you are not near (sorry if people have felt that I have done it)
How can people take one side of a story and just go with it instead of hear out both sides? Are people really that blind or they are just scarred to face the truth?

( Sorry for spelling mistakes and other things.)

Over and out,

Dont hold things in ask if you want to know anything.

Lineup Fipsid3 Tactics:
se Andreas 'schneider' Lindberg
se Simon 'twist' Eliasson
se Christian 'Spitfire' Schiölde
no Martin 'cENTRYZ' Brandal
