Geposted von xshiggyxHD,
Nun also verlässt das Team die Organisation. Team-Captain Aleksandar 'kassad' Trifunović schreibt in seinem Statement gegenüber den Kollegen von, dass man sich nicht auf einen gemeinsamen Konsens einigen konnte:
Refuse are honest and ok people, but we were unable to reach an agreement that suits both sides, so we thought it was best if we part ways. We wish them all the best in their search for a new team. We will be going back to our old name iNation for now, and the plan is to focus on RaidCall EMS One Winter season, Fragbite Masters and DH Winter qualifiers.
Verbunden mit dem Verlassen der Organisation ist auch ein Spielerwechsel. Nemanja 'k1Ng0r' Bošković wird das Team verlassen. Grund dafür sind bereits länger andauernde interne Differenzen. Ersatz für ihn wird Nestor '1NTEL' Tanić sein, der bereits früher mit den Serben gespielt hat. Der erste Einsatz für das Team wird das Belgrade Gaming Festival am kommenden Wochenende sein.
Statement Aleksandar 'kassad' Trifunović gegenüber
We still respect him a lot as a player and I believe he is one of the best players in the Balkans, but we felt that he hasn't been a part of the team for a while. We tried to resolve the issue, but it didn't work so we were basically forced to make a change. Currently we're testing a lineup with our old teammate Nestor "1NTEL" Tanić who will play with us at this weekend's Gaming Festival in Belgrade. We think that our future as a team is bright and you can expect more news from us soon.
Lineup iNation:
Nikola 'NiKolinho' Kovač
Janko 'YNk' Paunović
Aleksandar 'kassad' Trifunović
Luka 'emi' Vuković
Nestor '1NTEL' Tanić