MajorRabbit (Team 24457) |
server_request |
de_mirage |
MajorRabbit (admin) |
change_score |
Manually adjusted score to 0:0 |
MajorRabbit (admin) |
change_status |
Manually adjusted status to upcoming |
maxi58 (Team 74944) |
server_request |
de_nuke, de_mirage |
System (admin) |
mapvote_ended |
de_nuke, de_mirage |
System (Team 1) |
mapvote_ready |
System (Team 2) |
mapvote_ready |
HMonst3r (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
fanaticc (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
edoxCS (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
Sw1ftCs (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
farmaG (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
maxi58 (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
Spexyyy (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
ChLo (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Cl34v3rs (Team 2) |
lineup_player_ready |
Pashorty (Team 1) |
lineup_player_ready |
maxi58 (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
578125:maxi58, 814851:Pashorty, 1902434:HMonst3r, 1871143:fanaticc, 889653:Edox the freshmaker |
maxi58 (Team 1) |
lineup_submit |
578125:maxi58, 814851:Pashorty, 1869443:SlooKy, 1871143:fanaticc, 889653:Edox the freshmaker |
Fl4tLinr (Team 2) |
lineup_submit |
1163724:ChLo, 720213:Cl34v3rs, 1272283:farmaG, 978476:Spexyyy, 1199145:Sw1ftCs |