Background (v1) Background (v2) Background (v3)
  • Startdatum:
  • Enddatum:
  • Typ:
    Online Invite
  • Preisgeld:
    350.000 USD
  • Ort:
  • Event / Turnier:
    9 to 5


Nine to Five #1

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Gambit Youngsters
Gambit.A Gambit Youngsters
35.000 USD 30.670 EUR
Hard Legion Esports
HLE Hard Legion Esports
15.000 USD 13.145 EUR

Nine to Five #2

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Gambit Youngsters
Gambit.A Gambit Youngsters
35.000 USD 29.450 EUR
Syman Gaming
Syman Syman Gaming
15.000 USD 12.620 EUR

Nine to Five #3

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Team Spirit (Dark) Team Spirit (Light)
Spirit Team Spirit
35.000 USD 29.615 EUR
Wisla Krakow
Wisla Wisla Krakow
15.000 USD 12.695 EUR

Nine to Five #4

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Gambit Youngsters
Gambit.A Gambit Youngsters
35.000 USD 29.630 EUR
15.000 USD 12.700 EUR

Nine to Five #5

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Wisla Krakow
Wisla Wisla Krakow
35.000 USD 29.860 EUR
MAD Lions
Lions MAD Lions
15.000 USD 12.800 EUR

Nine to Five #6

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Gambit Esports
Gambit Gambit Esports
35.000 USD 29.355 EUR
Nemiga Gaming
Nemiga Nemiga Gaming
15.000 USD 12.580 EUR

Nine to Five #7

# Team Zusätzlicher Gewinn Preis (EUR)
Gambit Esports
Gambit Gambit Esports
35.000 USD 28.765 EUR
forZe forZe
15.000 USD 12.330 EUR

Nine to Five #7 Playoffs

Nine to Five #7 Swiss Stage

Nine to Five #7 Group Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Nine to Five #6 Playoffs

Nine to Five #6 Swiss Stage

Nine to Five #6 Group Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Nine to Five #5


Swiss Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Nine to Five #4


Swiss Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Nine to Five #3


Swiss Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Last Chance Bracket

Nine to Five #2


Swiss Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D

Nine to Five #1


Swiss Stage

Gruppe A

Gruppe B

Gruppe C

Gruppe D


uk Endpoint (Playoff Invite)
ru Gambit Youngsters (Playoff Invite)
pl AVEZ (Swiss Stage Invite)
bg FATE Esports (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl HONORIS (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl Illuminar Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
de BIG. OMEN Academy (Group Stage Invite)
de eSport Rhein-Neckar (Group Stage Invite)
tr 9INE (Group Stage Invite)
dk AGF Esports (Group Stage Invite)
ua CR4ZY (Group Stage Invite)
eu Team Excellency (Group Stage Invite)
cis HellRaisers (Group Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Group Stage Invite)
ru Hard Legion Esports (Playoff Invite)
eu Team Secret (Playoff Invite)
fr LDLC OL (Swiss Stage Invite)
pt SAW (Swiss Stage Invite)
de ALTERNATE aTTaX (Swiss Stage Invite)
kz Syman Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
rs lvlUP (Group Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
dk Team Singularity (Group Stage Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Group Stage Invite)
eu Wizards e-Sports Club (Group Stage Invite)
eu Adaptation (Group Stage Invite)
uk Orgles5 (Group Stage Invite)

uk Endpoint (Playoff Invite)
ru Hard Legion Esports (Playoff Invite)
de ALTERNATE aTTaX (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl AVEZ (Swiss Stage Invite)
ua Natus Vincere Junior (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru Gambit Youngsters (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Team GamerLegion (Group Stage Invite)
pl HONORIS (Group Stage Invite)
dk Lyngby Vikings (Group Stage Invite)
eu Tikitakan (Group Stage Invite)
rs lvlUP (Group Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Group Stage Invite)
dk Team Singularity (Group Stage Invite)
pl GRAFICIARZE (Group Stage Invite)
eu Nordavind (Playoff Invite)
ru Winstrike (Playoff Invite)
pl Illuminar Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
eu selectah! (Swiss Stage Invite)
kz Syman Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
ua CR4ZY (Group Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
uk Orgles5 (Group Stage Invite)
eu Team Excellency (Group Stage Invite)
fr LDLC OL (Group Stage Invite)
cz Sinners Esports (Group Stage Invite)
de BIG. OMEN Academy (Group Stage Invite)
tr 9INE (Group Stage Invite)

dk Heroic (Playoff Invite)
br MIBR (Playoff Invite)
pl AGO (Swiss Stage Invite)
eu selectah! (Swiss Stage Invite)
ua CR4ZY (Swiss Stage Invite)
bg FATE Esports (Swiss Stage Invite)
de BIG. OMEN Academy (Group Stage Invite)
se Apeks (Group Stage Invite)
dk Copenhagen Flames (Group Stage Invite)
se Galaxy Racer (Group Stage Invite)
cis HellRaisers (Group Stage Invite)
pl HONORIS (Group Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Group Stage Invite)
fi KOVA ESPORTS (Group Stage Invite)
dk North (Playoff Invite)
ru Team Spirit (Playoff Invite)
ru forZe (Swiss Stage Invite)
eu Nordavind (Swiss Stage Invite)
kz K23 (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru Winstrike (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
fi SJ Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
bg SKADE (Group Stage Invite)
dk Team Singularity (Group Stage Invite)
bg Tenerife Titans (Group Stage Invite)
eu Tikitakan (Group Stage Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Group Stage Invite)

ru Gambit Youngsters (Playoff Invite)
cis (Playoff Invite)
pl AVEZ (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Dignitas (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru ESPADA (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru forZe (Swiss Stage Invite)
tr 9INE (Group Stage Invite)
dk AGF Esports (Group Stage Invite)
se Apeks (Group Stage Invite)
dk Copenhagen Flames (Group Stage Invite)
bg FATE Esports (Group Stage Invite)
cis HellRaisers (Group Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
fi KOVA ESPORTS (Group Stage Invite)
eu GODSENT (Playoff Invite)
kz K23 (Playoff Invite)
br Imperial Esports (Swiss Stage Invite)
eu Nordavind (Swiss Stage Invite)
de Sprout (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru Winstrike (Swiss Stage Invite)
rs lvlUP (Group Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
eu Team Secret (Group Stage Invite)
fi SJ Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
bg SKADE (Group Stage Invite)
bg Tenerife Titans (Group Stage Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Group Stage Invite)

eu MAD Lions (Playoff Invite)
ru forZe (Playoff Invite)
fr Team Heretics (Swiss Stage Invite)
de ALTERNATE aTTaX (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl PACT (Swiss Stage Invite)
dk AGF Esports (Group Stage Invite)
dk Copenhagen Flames (Group Stage Invite)
se Galaxy Racer (Group Stage Invite)
pt Giants Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ru Hard Legion Esports (Group Stage Invite)
bg FATE Esports (Group Stage Invite)
pl Illuminar Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
pl HONORIS (Group Stage Invite)
de Sprout (Playoff Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Playoff Invite)
cis (Swiss Stage Invite)
eu c0ntact Gaming (Swiss Stage Invite)
dk x6tence (Swiss Stage Invite)
kz K23 (Swiss Stage Invite)
fi KOVA ESPORTS (Group Stage Invite)
fr LDLC OL (Group Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
de No Limit Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
fi SJ Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ua Project X (Group Stage Invite)

Teilnehmerübersicht Nine to Five #6
ru forZe (Playoff Invite)
ru Gambit Esports (Playoff Invite)
de ALTERNATE aTTaX (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl AVEZ (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru ESPADA (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Galaxy Racer (Swiss Stage Invite)
de BIG. OMEN Academy (Group Stage Invite)
dk Copenhagen Flames (Group Stage Invite)
ru Cyber Legacy (Group Stage Invite)
pl FarmingSimulator20 (Group Stage Invite)
pt Giants Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Group Stage Invite)
fr LDLC OL (Group Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
by Nemiga Gaming (Playoff Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Playoff Invite)
kz K23 (Swiss Stage Invite)
bg Team Fiend (Swiss Stage Invite)
bg SKADE (Swiss Stage Invite)
fr Team Heretics (Swiss Stage Invite)
be ex-LowLandLions (Group Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
de No Limit Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
pl PACT (Group Stage Invite)
ua Project X (Group Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
fi SJ Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
se Team GamerLegion (Group Stage Invite)

Teilnehmerübersicht Nine to Five #7
uk Endpoint (Playoff Invite)
ru forZe (Playoff Invite)
pl AVEZ (Swiss Stage Invite)
de ALTERNATE aTTaX (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Dignitas (Swiss Stage Invite)
ru ESPADA (Swiss Stage Invite)
se Apeks (Group Stage Invite)
rs 4glory Esports (Group Stage Invite)
dk Copenhagen Flames (Group Stage Invite)
fr TheDice (Group Stage Invite)
is (Group Stage Invite)
ru Ex-Ethereal (Group Stage Invite)
ro GameAgents (Group Stage Invite)
pl Illuminar Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
ru Gambit Esports (Playoff Invite)
eu Cloud9 (Playoff Invite)
fr Team Heretics (Swiss Stage Invite)
kz K23 (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl PACT (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl Wisla Krakow (Swiss Stage Invite)
pl Izako Boars (Group Stage Invite)
fi KOVA ESPORTS (Group Stage Invite)
se Lilmix (Group Stage Invite)
dk Lyngby Vikings (Group Stage Invite)
ro Nexus Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
rs ONYX (Group Stage Invite)
ru S-Gaming (Group Stage Invite)
dk x6tence (Group Stage Invite)


Format der Group Stage:
  • Vier Gruppen mit je vier Teams
  • GSL Format
  • Alle Spiele im Best-Of-Three Format
  • Die Top 2 aller Gruppen ziehen in die Playoffs ein

Format der Swiss Stage:
  • Swiss-Format
  • Alle Spiele im Best-Of-Three Format
  • Top 8 ziehen in die Playoffs ein
  • Acht eingeladene Teams und Acht Teams aus der Group Stage

Format der Playoffs:
  • Single-Elimination Bracket ohne Spiel um Platz 3
  • Alle Spiele im Best-Of-Three Format
  • Vier eingeladene Teams und Acht Teams aus der Swiss Stage


Montag, 29. Juni 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020

Nine to Five #1

Montag, 20. Juli 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 05. August 2020

Nine to Five #2

Montag, 10. August 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 26. August 2020

Nine to Five #3

Montag, 31. August 2020 bis
Donnerstag, 17. September 2020

Nine to Five #4
Montag, 19. Oktober 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 4. November 2020

Nine to Five #5

Montag, 09. Novemebr 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 25. November 2020

Nine to Five #6

Montag, 30. Novemebr 2020 bis
Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020

Nine to Five #7
